Introducing Reset Your Finances

Do you need a reset? Maybe something feels off with your money and fixing it has been long overdue…
The pandemic happened, inflation hit, and we're all still picking up the pieces.
When you're playing a game and things aren't going smoothly, you may desire to restart the game in some way, draw a special card, or get thrown a lifeline to boost your chances of succeeding.
While life certainly isn't a game and you can't go back in the past, you can get your long-awaited lifeline when it comes to managing your financial life.

That's where Reset Your Finances comes in.

The Reset Your Finances program will help you take control of your finances again and break free from financial stress that's often caused by:
💥 Living paycheck to paycheck
💥 Dealing with debt that you wanted gone a long time ago
💥 Not knowing exactly where your money is going each month
💥 Desiring to boost your savings rate but not being sure where to start
💥 Feeling like your BIG and exciting goals are out of reach due to financial constraints
The Reset Your Finances Program will guide you every step of the way, offering not just the regular financial advice EVERYONE has heard before, but actionable strategies to transform your financial life for good.

You'll Get 8 Lessons That Focus On:

Launching Your Financial Reset: This is a deliberate approach to reorganizing and improving your financial situation. You'll take a look at your current financial standing (with no shame, we aren't shaming here!), identify areas that can be improved, and start implementing changes to achieve better financial health.
🔄 Rewriting Your Money Story: It's time to break free from limiting beliefs and improve your relationship with money so it isn't based on scarcity and fear but abundance and hope.
💰 Getting Out of Debt (and Stay Out): Bid farewell to the burdens of debt and pave the way for a future of financial freedom.
🔒 Securing Your Financial Future: Build a solid foundation for long-term security and peace of mind, knowing you're on the right track to achieving your goals. Imagine how nice it will be to have your finances so under control that you can positively impact others in your family and your community.
Stopping the Time Drain: Don't let another year slip by without making progress toward the things you know you can achieve. Seize the opportunity to make meaningful changes now so you can look back with pride at your accomplishments.

The Workbook That Will Help You Get There

Reset Your Finances is a carefully crafted program designed to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and direction needed to take that next step (or steps) forward with your financial plan. If anything has been holding you back in the past, this program can help! In addition to the 8 in-depth video lessons, you'll receive a 24+ page workbook to help you maximize your results by completing specific micro-goals so there's no wondering what to do and when.

What Makes Reset Your Finances Different?

Have you ever tried to do too much only to get overwhelmed and throw in the towel? You're not alone.
Improving your finances and fixing money habits that you've had for years can be challenging. With Reset Your Finances, I wanted to make mastering your money both simple and attainable through micro-goals which are small, quick, but effective things you can do day in and day out to get better results.
There's no fluff or complicated processes. Instead, you'll take it step-by-step while your actions and habits add up to your end goal and ideal lifestyle.
Picture a reality that involves:
✅ Paying off your debt and loans, then actually being able to afford that vacation with cash and not credit cards
✅ Finally building that emergency cash cushion that your family can rely on
✅ Having a brokerage account AND being able to save for retirement consistently in your 401(k) or IRA
✅ Settling in with a job that you love that makes good money
✅ Not instantly worrying about money when your child has an event at school or needs new clothes or shoes
✅ Being able to give generously and donate to causes you care about because let's face it, using our money for good and growth is so rewarding


"I can honestly say Reset Your Finances has been a game changer for me. Before signing up and going through the program I was overwhelmed and uncertain about fixing my finances. For years, I've been paying on my credit cards only to get sucked back into debt after tacking on more purchases. Each lesson was clear and I liked the personalized examples. At the end I felt like I had what I needed to make real changes and get out of the debt cycle."
- Sabrina J.

Bonuses When You Enroll

Customizable Net Worth, Debt Snowball and Budget Spreadsheet Templates

Take control of your finances with this fully customizable spreadsheet toolkit. This spreadsheet is pre-filled out and has a budget tab for your monthly expenses (and regular income tracking), and a separate tab to track your net worth so you can also focus on building wealth.

Overcoming Common Budgeting Obstacles Workshop

This advanced budgeting workshop will help you conquer common budgeting challenges with confidence. You'll learn solutions to specific obstacles like: overspending in certain categories, having a variable income, getting paid weekly or monthly, too many unexpected expenses, not having enough left over to save, and more.

Simplifi App Tutorial (Close Out My Monthly Budget w/ Me)

Have you ever wondered what to do at the end of the month to close out your budget? I'll show you how to take charge of your finances effortlessly with Quicken's Simplifi budgeting app. This video tutorial will show you how to use the app to seamlessly track spending, customize your budget, and achieve savings goals with ease.

Meet Your Instructor, Chonce Maddox

Hi, I’m Choncé! I started blogging at in 2014 to chronicle my journey of paying off debt despite having a low salary of just $28,000 at the time. In 2016, my husband and I paid for our entire wedding in cash while also paying off $14,000 of debt in one year and more than $50,000 of debt throughout our financial journey. We’ve hustled to build a strong emergency fund, invest, and travel frugally. Even after Covid and inflation I found ways to budget our finances effectively and secure a new home on just one income when we moved to a new state.

Over the past decade, I’ve worked as a personal finance writer and Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) providing financial coaching sessions for numerous people. I know what it’s like to feel stuck or like you’ve been dealt a short hand when it comes to finances. My goal is to help you not only win with money, but use money as a tool so you can start living a life with more possibilities and fewer limitations.


"So your investing lesson was great! I've never seen anyone explain this topic so clearly and I learned a lot about how to build wealth for myself and my family. I've now opened some new accounts that I'm contributing to regularly and understand my investing goals."
- Cynthia S.

Grab The Reset Your Finances Course

This Program Is Perfect for You If You're:

Tired of feeling stuck: If you've been working on your finances each year alone with little or no success, it's time to change things with this program.

🚀 Ready to Take Action: Say goodbye to procrastination. Reset Your Finances provides the structure and support you need to kickstart your journey to financial wellness.

💡 Seeking Quick Wins: Experience the satisfaction of tangible progress through simple habits and daily rituals that deliver real results.

📆 Focused on Progress: Imagine looking back on your year and seeing measurable progress toward your financial goals. Let's do this!


The workbook cover says '8 week challenge', is this how long it will take to complete the program?

There are 8 lessons so you can do one lesson per week if that works for you, but you can also go at your own pace. There’s no start or finish time or set weeks to complete anything.

Why is the program so affordable?

I designed this program to be accessible to all, no matter your budget. For this beta-launch, the program is just $67, which breaks down to just $2.23 per day for 30 days. And yes, you get A LOT for that price. But, the price will go up for the next launch, so if you're thinking about signing up, there's no time like the present. By investing in this program, you're not just gaining valuable financial knowledge, but you're also setting yourself up to save far more than its cost in the long run.

Is this just another one-size-fits-all personal finance course?

No, it's not. The program is set up to be highly personalized based on your unique goals, experiences, and preferences. It’s for you because of the workbook you will use to complete micro-goals based on your specific goals and situation. We start things out with a very important mindset lesson (helpful for anyone to know) and micro-goals that include recording your personal money story, assessing your family’s goals, and setting the intention for how you wish to plan and live out several aspects of your life. Essentially, this program meets you right where you are and takes you step-by-step to upgrade YOUR journey.

How long do I have access to the program?

You'll have access to this program forever! Whether you need to check in after a month or six, you can do so easily after you've enrolled.

What is your refund policy?

Because this is a digital product, we can't provide refunds. Please reach out if you have any lingering questions before enrolling in the course.